Tuesday, September 26, 2006


WOW! I just had my seconds of fame. I totally feel like a rockstar! Well... Ok... Maybe it's not called fame if it's in a dream. But it should! I mean you dream almost 50 percent of your life, shouldn't all you rockconcerts, performances, races and hrmm.. Hook-ups with certain celebrities count in the long run? That's just bolony! I'm sure that God knows that I'm famous.
Hopefully I will mix dream with reality sooner or later.

Something rather discomforting happend to me today. After a long day in school I got on bus no.4, it's purpose is to take me home smooth, quick and safely. Approximately 1 minute and 24 seconds later I fell asleep (!)! I, almost falling into the aisle, woke me up. The first thing I noticed was a big puddle of saliva on my shirt. I stood up, looked around with a blushing face and a grin that screamed uncertainty, got off the bus and to my great dismay noticed that I was in Bunkeflo!
My story will end there since this blog might be read by users of a rather touchy nature.
Conclusion: Always wake sleeping people on buses up!
This certainly was a random post, deal with it.



Anonymous said...

HEJ BÄZTIZ! På lördag ska vi bli packade!!! *tihi*

Minus said...

OK, ellen!

Anonymous said...

Vadå Ok ellen? tror du jag skulle skriva något sånt töntigt? shiiiit..... Och vadå "fysisk kärlek, uuuue!". vet att du vill sätta på mig

Pablo said...

HAha, fin liten histroia där.

såg att du lagt upp bilder från din musical, så ball o professional det såg ut! när får man se den? det påminner mig, borgarkungen kanske kan gå att ses ändå, och då ska jag bevisa att den spelades, hah!

jo, jag är hemma nu =)