Oh well, it's saturday and the sun is shining so get a grip.
Fall is just around the corner and I can finally have sibbarp all to myself. No fat, screaming kids, no fat, yelling moms, no life-threatening amusement parks, no kid-excrement in the water (Thank God) and finally no unnecessary littering. I can put my most comfortable clothes on and just stroll around like nobody's business, yeah! I'm not completely alone though. Please, feel free to join me! Mr. iPod only provides support under certain circumstances.
Pablo, Johan and Victor are on a trip around europe by car (a Renault Clí0 to be more precise). Johan called me just to tell me how much fun they had and how boring my schoolwork is and Pablo did the same thing by textmessage. I guess this is the shit you have to deal with when you leave the country for a year. But F them! I love shoolwork and my eurotrip last summer rocked way more than theirs. If you guys read this I just want to let you know how much fun we're having this weekend and how much I look forward to my 8.15 class in English C on monday!

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