Anywho, I've just micromanaged the following two weeks down to the very minute, since I suspect that next weeks exams will be the hardest both SO far and BY far! Yikes! I'm WAY better at planning my work than I am at actually preform the work layed out in front of me.
"If I plan it, will you do it?" (Isn't it better to do what you're good at?)
Friday is coming up and John Legend is on my case about singing a duet with him, don't get me wrong, I'm flattered and all but I don't know.... What if I OUTSING him, that would just be immensely embarrasing for John, right? I think I'll respectfully decline the offer. ;)

Time for me to finish my Organic Chemistry seminar sheet, fun fun fun!
Hey bloger!
Lite kass uppdatering måste jag säga.
När kommer du hem och hälsar på?
Du gillade mina tights va.. hehe..
Puss och kräm
maste kolla:)
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